Created … Phillips County AR Real Estate & Homes For Sale. Services. Johnson | Yell, 34.390277777778-90.869722222222Koordinaten: 34° 23′ N, 90° 52′ W, Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Phillips County, Auszug aus dem National Register of Historic Places - Nr. 6,786 sqft lot; 8 days on Zillow. Franklin | Read more..... 10/17/2019 | Phillips County Road Department Auction, 11/08/2019 | Quorum Court Agenda - November 2019, 01/13/2020 | January 14, 2020 Quorum Court Agenda, 01/28/2020 | Will Tate appointed to the Phillips County Veteran’s Affairs Office, County HistoryFAQ'sHelpful LinksState Services, 12/24/2019 | Courthouse Closed - Christmas 2019, 12/31/2019 | Courthouse Closed - New Year’s 2019-2020. click for map and directions to county offices, schools and points of interest. Homes for You Price (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Newest Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet Lot Size. Det hee 17.782 lidj (2019).At hoodsteed faan't county as Helena.. Kwelen. Baxter | Cross | About Us. Saline | Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Phillips County (Arkansas) C. Crowley’s Ridge; H. Helena (Arkansas) L. Louisiana Purchase State Park; W. West Helena Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1. Phillips County - officially formed as Arkansas' 7th county while Arkansas was just a territory in May 1820. Hempstead | The county was organized May 1, 1820 and was the seventh county in Arkansas. Phillips County Phillips County is located in the southeast central part of the state bordering the Mississippi River. Loading. Union | This lowland area wa… County in Arkansas. Sharp | Das Phillips County ist in 13 Townships eingeteilt[8]: Liste der Countys in Arkansas Collector Name Neal Byrd Phone 870-338-5580 Website View Collector Website Offices. Washington | Im Jahr 2010 hatte das County 21.757 Einwohner und eine Bevölkerungsdichte von 12,1 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer. Lawrence | Home → America → USA → Arkansas. … Das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen betrug 15.244 USD. Home; Phillips County; Tax Records; Phillips County Collector's Office Neal Byrd, Sr. Faulkner | Phillips County is a county in Arkansas.The county population was 19,930 in 2014, according to the United States Census Bureau. Das Phillips County und hat eine Fläche von 1884 Quadratkilometern, wovon 90 Quadratkilometer … Greene | Submitted and reproduced with the permission of Rose White, Tri-County Genealogical Society. Woodruff | It was founded on May 1, 1820. Marriage Book sorted by page number. Mai 1920[5] aus Teilen des Arkansas County und des Hempstead County gebildet. Phillips County’s soil consists of alluvial deposits from the Mississippi River, making it prime agricultural land. You can view inmates in the following facilities. 48 results. Cross County . Desha | Lincoln | 77000265, U.S. Census Buero, State & County QuickFacts - Phillips County, AR, Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/, U.S. Census Bureau _ Census of Population and Housing,, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-05, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Botmarkierungen 2019-05, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Die Bevölkerungsdichte betrug 12,1 Einwohner pro Quadratkilometer. Lafayette | Phillips County, Arkansas. Benannt wurde es nach Sylvanus Phillips, dem ersten namentlich bekannten weißen Siedler in dieser Gegend und Mitglied der territorialen Regierung. Phillips County vital records can be found at the Arkansas Deptartment of Health has Birth & Death records since February 1, 1914, Marriage Records since January 1917 and Divorce Records since January 1923. Assessor Name Gloria Jones Phone 870-338-5535 Website View Assessor Website Offices. Gefällt 782 Mal. County in Arkansas (USA) Contents: COVID-19 Cases (Coronavirus Disease) COVID-19 Cases (Coronavirus Disease) in Phillips as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist die Stadt Helena-West Helena, die 2006 aus Helena und West Helena fusioniert wurde. 1000 Campus Drive , Helena. Lee | Prairie | St. Francis County . Auction. 53,1 Prozent der Bevölkerung war weiblich. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 18. I am proud to have been the Sheriff here since January 1, 2013, and it is an honor to serve the citizens of Phillips County. Logan | Chicot | If you would prefer the digest mode, send your email to with the single word subscribe in the body of the message. Im Jahr 2010 hatte das County 21.757 Einwohner und eine Bevölkerungsdichte von 12,1 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer. Phillips County Tax Records are documents related to property taxes, employment taxes, taxes on goods and services, and a range of other taxes in Phillips County, Arkansas. Das Phillips County[2] ist ein County im US-amerikanischen Bundesstaat Arkansas. Lonoke | Phillips County Phone 870-338-5500 Address 600 Cherry Street Helena-West Helena, AR 72342. For sale by owner . County. Phillips County is en Kreis in’n US-Bundsstaat Arkansas.He hett 21.757 Inwahners (Stand Zensus 2010) op en Rebeet vun 1.795 km². Pike | QuickFacts Phillips County, Arkansas. Phillips County detainees are housed outside our county. Scott | Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population.This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Conway | Phillips County is Arkansas's seventh (7th) county, formed on May 1, 1820, and named for Sylvanus Phillips, the area's first-known white settler and representative to the first Territorial Legislature of the Arkansas Territory. Find 31 homes for sale in Phillips County with a median listing price of $24,900. Miller | As of the 2010 census, the population was 21,757. Nevada | Phillips County (Arkansas)! Established on the banks of the Mississippi River in 1820, Phillips County is the second oldest county in Arkansas. 27,8 Prozent der Bevölkerung waren unter 18 Jahre alt, 56,9 Prozent waren zwischen 18 und 64 und 15,3 Prozent waren 65 Jahre oder älter. Measure for growth: Number of new cases per day and 100,000 inhabitants. These records can include Phillips County property tax assessments and assessment challenges, appraisals, and income taxes. Searcy | Phillips County - officially formed as Arkansas' 7th county while Arkansas was just a territory in May 1820. Browse Phillips County, AR real estate. Arkansas | Sevier | Sort by: Newest. Monroe | The population development of Phillips. Phillips (County, Arkansas, USA) with population statistics, charts, map and location. Fulton | 781 likes. Name Status Cases count 2020-03-18 Cases count 2020-04-15 Cases count 2020-05-13 Cases … Find Phillips County, Arkansas clerk offices, including county, city, and circuit clerks, and clerks of court. Duties of the Tax … Independence | In Arkansas, Phillips County is ranked 20th of 75 counties in Clerk Offices per capita, and 20th of 75 counties in Clerk Offices per square mile. Benton | It was named for the first white settler and representative to the first Territorial Legislature of the Arkansas Territory, Sylvanus Phillips. White | Helena, Arkansas 72342. Search results 1 - 10 of 10. Jefferson | De Sitt vun de Verwalten is in Helena Crittenden | Dallas | [3], 1 – bestehend aus den ehemals eigenständigen Städten Helena und West Helena. Phillips County Mail List. Helena City Clerk 98 Plaza Avenue Helena-West Helena, AR. Cleburne | Free Search The collector in this county has sponsored a free to the public search. Phone (870) 338-5580 Fax (870) 338-5557. 100 Helena, AR 72342. Link to these helpful services offered by the State of Arkansas, Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas, Phillips County Emergency Management Agency, Will Tate appointed to the Phillips County Veteran’s Affairs Office. Newton | 101 Palmer St, Marvell, AR 72366. Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Helena, Phillips County, Arkansas. 32,4 Prozent der Einwohner lebten unterhalb der Armutsgrenze. Phillips County, Arkansas. Unabhängig von der ethnischen Zugehörigkeit waren 1,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung spanischer oder lateinamerikanischer Abstammung. Randolph | Howard |,_Arkansas Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ verfügbar; Informationen zu den … Certain types of Tax Records are available to the general public, while some Tax … Phillips County Circuit Court: L T Sims . Oct 1918. Das Phillips County ist ein County im US-amerikanischen Bundesstaat Arkansas. Phillips County - officially formed as Arkansas' 7th county while Arkansas was just a territory in May 1820. Polk | Lee County Jail (choose East AR Regional Unit facility, fill out the form to find specific inmates - you will need … The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Phillips County, Arkansas (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 54) reportedly includes a total of 8,941 slaves. Da Sitz vo da Vawoitung is Helena-West Helena.. Da Beziak hod a Fläche vo 1.884 Quadratkilometa, dovo san 90 Quadratkilometa Wossafläche. The county seat is Helena. Pope | Carroll | Created with Sketch. Phillips County, Arkansas. Ashley | Phillips; University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences East. Van Buren | List of Phillips County Clerk Offices. April 2013 um 00:42 Uhr bearbeitet. Am 4. Das Phillips County und hat eine Fläche von 1884 Quadratkilometern, wovon 90 Quadratkilometer Wasserfläche sind. Ouachita | Marion | Mississippi | Phillips. Established in1820, the county is the second oldest in Arkansas. Pulaski | Clark | Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Inmate Information. Helena’s location on the Mississippi River gave it the potential to be an important transportation hub, although it eventually was overtaken in importance by Memphis, Tennessee. 1393 Highway 242 South, Helena. Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas, Lewis Library. $18K. Sebastian | Stone | Said LaTonia, "This is stuff they’d never learn in … Clay | Montgomery | In 2018, Phillips County, AR had a population of 19k people with a median age of 38.5 and a median household income of $29,263. The county seat is Helena-West Helena. 3 bds; 2 ba; 1,563 sqft; 15 hours ago. Garland | Phillips; Phillips County Library, Phillips-Lee-Monroe Regional Library Headquarters. To subscribe, send an email to: with the single word subscribe in the body of the email for mail mode. Where can find Phillips County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? [3] Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist die Stadt Helena-West Helena,[4] die 2006 aus Helena und West Helena fusioniert wurde. Monroe County. Phillips County Clerk 620 Cherry … Phillips; Created with Sketch. Nach der Volkszählung im Jahr 2010 lebten im Phillips County 21.757 Menschen in 8325 Haushalten. Calhoun | Im äußersten Nordosten des Countys befindet sich die Mündung des Saint Francis River in den Mississippi. Phillips County is a Beziak im Bundesstoot Arkansas in da USA.Da Beziak hod 21.757 Eihwohna. Boone | Drew | Hot Spring | Bradley | Ethnisch betrachtet setzte sich die Bevölkerung zusammen aus 35,6 Prozent Weißen, 62,7 Prozent Afroamerikanern, 0,4 Prozent amerikanischen Ureinwohnern, 0,4 Prozent Asiaten sowie aus anderen ethnischen Gruppen; 1,0 Prozent stammten von zwei oder mehr Ethnien ab. Poinsett | In den 8325 Haushalten lebten statistisch je 2,64 Personen.
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