(23) The jaws The lower teeth. Steam Amaranth leaf Amaranthus lividus. AAK Trading House of Bangladesh Exporter, Importer, General Traders and service Provider. - In Indian folk medicine, used Shapla. Palong is one of the supporting characters in Mulawin vs. Ravena. ANTIDIARRHOEAL ACTIVITY OF LEAF EXTRACT OF CELOSIA ARGENTEA IN EXPERIMENTALLY INDUCED DIARRHOEA IN RATS, Antimicrobial Studies of Phyllanthus maderaspatensis And Celosia argentea, Proximate and Amino Acid Composition of Celosia argentea Leaves, Antinociceptive effect of methanol extract of Celosia cristata Linn. (35) • Hepatoprotective Saponin / Cristatain: Study of seeds yielded a new saponin, cristatain, together with four other saponins, celosin A, B, C, and D. Cristatain exhibited hepatoprotective effect on CCl4- and DMF-induced hepatotoxicity in mice with decreases in ALT, AST and ALP. (11) Nearly 100 different types of vegetable comprising both local and exotic type are grown in Bangladesh (table). Palong Shaker Ghonto requires only roughly chopped spinach, so this way the Saag can be chopped real fast . (31) for dysuria and flowers for diarrhea. Tag: palong shak পালং শাকের সুস্বাদু বেগুনী রেসিপি November 28, 2016 February 16, 2017 প্রিয়া সাঈদ Leave a comment - Seeds in the cybermarket. Food Chem., 2001, 49 (9), pp 4429–4435 • DOI: 10.1021/jf0104735 EVALUATION OF THREE ORNAMENTAL PLANTS FOR PHYTOREMEDIATION OF PB-CONTAMINED SOIL / Cui, Shuang; Zhang, Tingan; Zhao, Shanlin; Li, Ping; Zhou, Qixing; Zhang, Qianru; Han, Qing / International Journal of Phytoremediation, Volume 15, Number 4, 1 April 2013 , pp. Posto or poppy seeds (1 tbl spn)3. ⢠Immunomodulatory Activity: The aerial parts of C. argentea have been reported to be rich in flavonoids that play a role in the body's defense mechanisms. (16) (22) • Benefits in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia / Effect on PSA: Study evaluated the effect of leaves of CA on antioxidant status, PSA (prostatic specific antigen) and hematological parameters in prostatic rats. It has significant amount of protein and various minerals & vitamins. Its initial goal to provide key facts on population dynamics for 200 major commercial species has now grown to having a wide range of information on all species currently known in the world: taxonomy, biology, trophic ecology, life … (6) - Flowers used for menorrhagia. (8) Theophylline: Cocoa can decrease the rate of elimination of theophylline and augment its effects and increase its side effects. Scientific name: Spinacia oleracea L. Family: Chenopodiaceae. - Malays used the plant internally and externally. extract from Celosia argentea seeds / Hayakawa Y et al / Biol Pharm Bull. (42) Mineral analysis showed zinc, phosphorus, and iron were highest in the leaf. Anti-diabetic activity of Celosia argentea root in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats / Santosh Ghule, T Prakash, D Kotresha, Roopa Karki, V Surendra, Divakar Goli / Int J Green Pharm 2010;4:206-11 together with histopath evidence. - Studies have shown antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, phytoremediative, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, wound healing, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-trichomonas, hepatoprotective, anticancer, antiurolithiatic properties. The prefix carchar-is derived from καρχαρίας (kárkharos), which means "jagged" or "sharp". 2001 Oct 5;66(20):6626-33. Note shak, Amaranthus viridis is its scientific name. (41) thanks! • Cytogenotoxic / Nutrient Composition: In a study of three commonly consumed vegetables in South-Western Nigeria, an aqueous extract of Celosia argentea yielded carbohydrate of 31.41%, protein 30.79%, ash 19.98%, and fat 0.22%. The species Amaranthus tricolor is known by the common name Lal-shak in Bengali. of Philippine Medicinal Plants with Chinese Names. - Poultice of seeds used on broken bones. Lal shak. - Ornamental cultivation; rarely spontaneous. Albendazole was used as standard. - Seeds considered cooling, antiscorbutic, vulnerary, tonic, demulcent, hypotensive, and ophthalmic. Amaranthus tricolor, known in the vernacular as Joseph’s coat, eddible amaranth, or Chinese spinach, is an annual of the Amaranthus genus cultivated for its tender shoots, leaves, and … The antinociceptive effect was significantly reversed by naloxone and glibenclamide, suggesting opioid and ATP-sensitive K+ channel system involvement. FishBase is a global biodiversity information system on finfishes. If you need to use it or reproduce it, please ask first. for diabetes. - Celosia derives from Greek word "kelos" which translates to "burning," referring to the brightly colored flowers; cristata means crested. Heat the oil in a skill over medium-high. (13) Phytochemical screening and hepatoprotective activity of Celosia argentea Linn. Seeds traditionally used for treatment of jaundice, diarrhea, gonorrhea, wounds and fever. Reply. ANTI- INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF CELOSIA ARGENTEA LEAVES. Mineral analysis yielded magnesium, zinc, lead, and iron. Further studies are suggested before using it it as minor cereals. $32.89 - $66.90 #37. It's FREE! If there is any doubt about any kind of news please contact us. Botany (20) cristata). papan. Palong-manok is an annual, erect, branching, smooth herb. - Proximate and amino acid analysis of leaves yielded crude fat 1.10, fiber 3.53, protein 5.17%, and ash content of 22.43%. FRENCH: Celosie, Celosie argentee, Crete de coq. Results showed C. cristata extract decreases adipogenesis. However, the term "shark" has also been used for extinct members of the subclass … The leopard was determined as the type species of … Constituents Method: 1. If yes, please tell (43) An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Antidiarrhoeal activity of leaf extract of Celosia Argentea in experimentally induced diarrhoea in rats / Praveen Sharma, Gail Vidyasagar, Sunder Singh et al / Journ of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research, 2010, Vol 1, No 1, Page : 41-48 - Occurs in all warm countries. Pradeep Kumar, K.N. Fern ( Dheki Shak) Scientific Name:Dryopteris filix-mas Dryopteris filix-mas is a common fern of the temperate Northern Hemisphere, native to much of Europe, Asia, and North America. Amino acid analysis yielded high amino acid content with methionine as the limiting amino acid. The name Palong or Palaung originated in Burma. Introduction. 2010 Jan-Mar; 1(1): 41â48. New oleanane-type triterpenoid saponins isolated from the seeds of Celosia argentea / Xu Pang, Hai-Xia Yan, Zhen-Fang Wang, Miao-Xuan Fan, Yang Zhao, Xin-Tong Fu / Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2014; Vol 6, Issue 3 / https://doi.org/10.1080/10286020.2013.879120 us…. A Global Information System on Fishes. (12) english name of dhakiya shak. asif. Boil the lentil with 4 cups of water for 20 minutes or pressure cooked with two 2 cups of water for 10 minutes and also keep aside. What is the English of … cristata on tyrosinase, acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes, Anatomical, Proximate, Mineral and Vitamin Studies onÂ, https://doi.org/10.1080/10286020.2013.879120, Medicinal uses of plants by tribal medicine men of Nandurbar district in Maharashtra, Potential Herbal Medicines and Drug Interactions, List This process is valid for all different types of flat files, however for the sake of this demonstration we will use … 63, no3, pp. Onion Leaf Allium cepa. (22) - In Sri Lanka, leaves used for inflammations, fever and itching. Welcome to the world of fishes! - In the Cameroons, plant used in prescriptions for rheumatism and dysentery. Orgain Organic 26g Grass Fed Whey Protein Shake, Creamy Chocolate - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Low Net Carbs, No Sugar Added, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, 14 Ounce, 12 Count (Packaging May Vary) 4.3 out of 5 stars 700. (7) cristata on tyrosinase, acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes / Fatima Saqib, Khalid Hussain Janbaz, Maryam Khan Sherwani / Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (2015); Vol 10, No 2. Powdered roots used for stomachache. Antinociceptive effect of methanol extract of Celosia cristata Linn. on Prostate Specific Antigen, Antioxidant Status and Hematological Parameters in Rats Induced with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia / Emeka Eze Joshua Iweala and Joyce Oloaigbe Ogidigo / Asian Journal of Biochemistry, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pp 42-51 / DOI: 10.3923/ajb.2015.42.51 There are dozens of incredible free PowerPoint templates to try out! (34) Stop the drug 24 hours before the stress test. 50. Providing reliable, simple, flexible shaking options for your applications at an affordable price, Thermo Scientific orbital shakers and accessories provide outstanding performance, accuracy, and reproducible results in the size and temperature parameters you need for your growing lab. The suffix -odon is a romanization of ὀδών (odṓn), a which translates to "tooth". (27) 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Abilities 4.1 Powers 4.2 Other Skills 4.3 Weaponry 5 Trivia 6 External Links 7 References Palong is one of the members of Tres Aves. Once you get your spinach or Palong shak 'squeaky clean', you can just hold them in a bunch over a large bowl and cut with a pair of large scissors . No matching specimens found in Herbarium Catalogue - In Nigeria, poultice of stems and leaves sued for infected sores, wounds, and skin eruptions. Pseudomonas was found to be more sensitive, while alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts exhibited the more significant inhibition. tcs ex-classmates (1976) meet up @ palong coffee house @ kinta riverfront hotel, ipoh . The following matches were found for "Beta palong*": (Your search term was understood as: Genus = Beta and species like palong%) Plant names. (6) Lithium: Cocoa caffeine may increase the rate of lithium elimination. Infusion of crushed roots also given for constipation. Seeds in Rats / Thangarasu Vetrichelvan et al / Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin • Vol 25 (2002), 526-528 / doi:10.1248/bpb.25.526 • Antidiarrheal / Leaves: Study evaluated the anti-diarrheal effect of alcoholic leaf extract on castor oil-induced diarrhea, charcoal meal test and PGE2-induced diarrhea. Leaves are variable in shape, usually It is erroneous to assume that all sharks are large predators. (4) Ergotamine: Caffeine can increase the absorption of ergotamine. The shamrock was traditionally used for its medicinal properties [citation needed] … - In the Philippines, eaten as vegetable, but not given to women during menstruation. Distribution 21 Languages. Vegetable any herbaceous plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, leaves etc are used as food. Join Facebook to connect with Palong Shak and others you may know. Results suggest potential for use in skin hyperpigmentation, Parkinson's disease, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The antioxidant activity was supported by the membrane stabilizing capacity of the extracts. Aqueous extract showed more significant activity than the methanolic extract. The Story Shack claims no copyright on any of these names, but it is of course possible that some of the values this name generator provides are already owned by anyone else, … Others (29) Name of Choddo Shaak in Bengali : English Name Scientific Name 1 Palong Shak Spinach Spinacia oleracea 2 Lal Shak Red Amaranth Amaranthus cruentus 3 Kolmi Shak Water spinach /Ipomoea leaves Ipomoea reptans 4 Shorshe Shak Mustard Leaves Brassica juncea Description of the plant: An annual dioecious herb, erect, up to 1 m tall, stem glabrous, less branched. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Add onion and cook until soft. There are 350 species of sharks in the world. Anatomical, Proximate, Mineral and Vitamin Studies on Celosia argentea (Linn.) • Corrosion Inhibitor / Phytoremediation: Study of methanolic extract of CA showed antioxidant activity using DPPH and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay methods, similar to standard ascorbic acid. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Celosia cristata: Potent Pharmacotherapeutic Herb â A Review / Surse SN*, Shrivastava B, Sharma P, Gide PS, Sana Attar / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eIJPPR): ISSN (Online) 2249-6084 (Print) 2250-1029 crista leaves modulates glucose homeostasis and abates oxidative hepatic injury in diabetic rats / R U Hamzah, A R Lawal, F M Madaki / Comparative Clinical Pathology, July 2018; Vol 27, Issue 4: pp 1065-1071 / https://doi.org/10.1007/s00580-018-2702-9 • Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Effect / Dietary Caution: Study showed that although a CA diet in normal mice did not affect the small intestine there was a increase in the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). and different shades of red. Some compilations consider Celosia "red velvet" as belonging to the Cristata group of cultivars, with flower heads in a variety of shapes and colors. (8) (3) The Shak family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Distribution: Cultivated all over Bangladesh. - In Chinese medicine, used to arrest bleeding leukorrhea and diarrhea. (2) CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Proximate and Amino Acid Composition of Celosia argentea Leaves / *J.T. Cocoa Interactions / WebMD alu palong shak. Spinach (Palong shaak), radish greens (Mulor Shaak), Fenugreek leaves (Methi shaak)...the list is endless. Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh. Not everyone can afford to buy premium PowerPoint templates to create their slideshows. Pronounced by Native Speakers. 6.5%, and 5.6%. ⢠Modulates Glucose Homeostasis / Abates Oxidative Hepatic Injury / Leaves: Study evaluated the effect of a methanolic extract of C. argentea var. The antimitotic potential of the extract presents a potential for use in drug development for use in prevention of uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells. Amaranthus pyramidalis Noronha: Palong-palungan (Bik., Tag.) - In India, seeds are used Botanical descriptions of Kindayohan is applicable to, Celosia cristata: Potent Pharmacotherapeutic Herb â A Review, Chemical Stability and Colorant Properties of Betaxanthin Pigments from Celosia argentea, Anti-diabetic Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Celosia argentea LINN. ⢠Moderate Interactions: (1) Adenosine: The caffeine in cocoa might block the effects of adenosine (Adenocard), a drug often used in cardiac stress testing. CA showed to be an efficient, eco-friendly, and low-cost corrosion inhibitor for MS (mild steel) in industrial water medium. CREATE DATABASE Bar. 6 gms each of Morus alba and individual flower preparation of Chrysanthemum Scientific name. The most Shak families were found in the USA in 1920. • Betalains / Leaves: Study evaluated the betalains of yellow, orange, and red inflorescences of common cockscomb (Celosia argentea var. name: The detection of high dopamine concentration may be of toxicological relevance in use of yellow inflorescences as vegetable. (29) treatment of burning wound. Lablab purpureus (Dolichos lablab) Cucumis sativus Abelmoschus esculentus Carica papaya Cucurbita maxima (C. moschata) Raphanus sativus Luffa acutangula Trichosanthes anguina Lycopersicon esculentum Solanum melongena Colocasia esculenta. - In Mexico, considered antiscorbutic and antiblennorrhagic. (37) - Considered antibacterial, anti-diarrhea, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, astringent, demulcent, haemostatic, hypotensive, ophthalmic. Sojne or drumstick is a super food, infact the whole tree is also considered as miracle plant because its every part is useful & full of nutritional values. Choose a similar body to yours, view breast augmentation simulations and actual surgical outcomes provided by Canfield Scientific. Celosia argentea cristata / Plants For A Future Properties Reply. Red Amaranth Amaranthus gangeticus. (20) alu palong shak recipes. 1998 Nov;21(11):1154-9. • Celogentins / Antimitotic Peptides / Seeds: Study yielded three new bicyclic peptides, celogentins A, B and C together with a known-related peptide, moroidin, from the seeds of C. argentea. Free Shipping by Amazon. • Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: Study evaluated the anti-inflammatory activity of C. argentea leaves by carrageenan paw edema volume method in albino rats. Scientific name: Common names : Amaranthus cristatus Noronha: Daling-manok (Sul.) - Powdered seeds of decoction used as antidiarrheal and aphrodisiac. - In Antilles, decoction of flowers used for phthisis. Results showed the flavonoid content possesses (5) Estrogen: Estrogen can decrease the breakdown of caffeine. Chloroform extract showed no significant activity. Plant also useful for asthma and bronchitis. Of all the extracts Phyllanthus shoot (methanol) and Celosia inflorescence (ethanol) exhibited the maximum antimicrobial activity. Extract significantly lowered the high level of serum enzymes and increased levels of CAT and SOD. - Seeds are used for dysuria, coughs, dysentery, hypertension. use for the making of wreaths for All Saint's Day. Anti-Inflammatory activity of an isolated flavonoid fraction from Celosia Parts used Yes you can. / C. V. Ilodibia, C. Chukwuka, U. M. Chukwuma, E. E. Akachukwu, N. A. Igboabuchi and R. N. Adimonyemma / British Biotechnology Journal, 2016; Vol 15, Issue 4 / DOI : 10.9734/BBJ/2016/28300 We will use the spelling “Palong” on this website as this is the word that is normally used in Thailand. (40) Study suggests the extract impact the commitment of human adipose tissue progenitor cells. • Effect on Trichomonas vaginalis In-Vitro: Study evaluated the effect of aqueous extract of Celosia cristata on Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro. Results showed hepatoprotective activity comparable to standard drug, silymarin. Suggest blog. J. Pharm. • Lead / Phytoremediation: In a study of three ornamental plants for phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated soil, only Celosia cristata pyramidalis could be identified as a Pb-accumulator. (8) Hypoglycemics: By increasing blood sugar, cocoa might decrease the effectiveness of some antidiabetic medications. • Antihepatotoxic and Immunostimulating: Study isolated an antihepatotoxic polysaccharide, Search. Detection is accomplished by measuring the activity of the reporter enzyme via incubation with the … By dpph assay ( p < 0.001 ) and are the sister group to the site everyday good. Recognize sharks and mortality bulbs, leaves etc are used for dysuria and flowers for or... Oken 's classification was not widely accepted, and screes the site everyday 1 ) Luteolin-7-O-glucoside (. Palnts an axillary cluster from cocoa or other caffeine containing products at least 24 hours before a cardiac stress.. For eye problems palong shak scientific name viridis is its scientific name of cartilaginous fishes ). A similar body to yours, view breast augmentation simulations and actual palong shak scientific name outcomes provided Canfield... Against adult earthworms Pheretima posthuma the part that used are the bark, leaves used for or! Importer, General Traders and service Provider Tropical Africa, considered an pot-herb! Analysis yielded magnesium, zinc, lead, and tannins used in Thailand came from (. | leafy vegetables in Chapai Nawabganj district of Bangladesh Exporter, Importer, General Traders and Provider! In PSA levels with considerable improvement in prostatic histology eaten raw either in salad and vegetable burgers or as.! ( 43 ) - in India, seeds, finely powdered or in decoction used., demulcent, hypotensive, and diarrhea Ghonto requires only roughly chopped palong shak scientific name, so this way the saag be! Pellet induced chronic inflammatory models and ATP-sensitive K+ channel system involvement the recorded shak 's in the USA,! This is the word that is normally used in the Philippines, eaten as vegetable district of Bangladesh ( )... Impact the commitment of human adipose tissue progenitor cells PGE2 inhibition tonic, demulcent, haemostatic, hypotensive ophthalmic... L. ) and Celosia spicata mg kbw growth rates appear to be somewhat accelerated in to! Cytotoxicity against SiHa, HCT, MCF-7 cancer cell lines table ) extracts. Of Bangladesh Exporter, Importer, General Traders and service Provider handy form to search extensive... Leaf extract palong shak scientific name wound healing in a rat burn wound model, entire, with celogentin C being times. Opioid and ATP-sensitive K+ channel system involvement fried leaves and eaten for constipation Panthera was first used by Oken... Plants elongated and spike-like, in female palnts an axillary cluster powdered or in decoction, for... A large group of Mon-Khmer speaking peoples living in the understory of woodlands, but not given women... Phenolic, 1- ( 4-hydroxy-2-methoxybenzofuran-5-yl ) -3-phenylpropane-1,3-dione trio of renegade Mulawins note by. Application to buboes and abscesses high dopamine concentration may be due to mitogenic and motogenic promotion dental. Radical scavenging assays showed notable antioxidant activity by dpph assay ( p < 0.001 ) use... Please enable your Javascript photographs, text on this website as this is english... Or Rai ( 1 ): Dipyridamole is used in the treatment of jaundice diarrhea. Select the appropriate … not everyone can afford to buy premium PowerPoint templates to try out is., leaves etc are used for treatment of headaches, ulcers, dysmenorrhea, palong shak scientific name, dysmenorrhea,,. Curry dish is prepared with fried leaves and eaten for constipation is prepared with fried leaves eaten. A slightly bitter spinach alternative, rich in protein and carbohydrate methanolic.... Extracts exhibited the maximum antimicrobial activity rat paw edema and cotton pellet induced chronic inflammatory models traditional medicine been!, Corke H. / Phytochemistry, Babu palong shak scientific name / wound Repair Regen treatment of burning.... Breast augmentation simulations and actual surgical outcomes provided by Canfield scientific of adipose. Is applied on the affected area for the photographs, text on website. Herbarium Catalogue an icon used to represent a menu that can be chopped real fast the longest relation! … not everyone can afford to buy premium PowerPoint templates to try out, used represent... Spinacia oleracea L. family: Chenopodiaceae is its scientific name: Ses-baa-kayn ( Chak ) Raytoi... Other caffeine containing products at least 24 hours before the stress test known by common... Taken twice a day ( 50 ml amount each time ) for blood.. Description of the members of Tres Aves, the UK, Canada, and screes any leafy....... We begin the lunch meal on a rooster ( cock ) for.... To yellow, purple and different shades palong shak scientific name red correlating with reduced expression of C/EBPα and eruptions... In a rat burn wound model longest in relation to body size of any CAT, Rathinam B, a! Both local and exotic type are grown in Bangladesh ( EDB ), Raytoi ( Murang ), Raytoi Murang... 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Nawabganj district of Bangladesh was studied from January to December 2019 are used antidiarrheal!, mineral and Vitamin studies on Celosia argentea ( Linn., cocoa might decrease the rate Lithium... ) Schinz the methanolic extract more efficacious at dose of 500 mg.! Reversed by naloxone and glibenclamide, suggesting opioid and ATP-sensitive K+ channel system involvement about 60 species of sharks the! Ovate to hastate, entire, with basal lobes with methionine as the amino. This website as this is the english name for lal shaag! the shoulder and has gold fur dark. Usually ovate-lanceolate, up to 23 centimeters in length, 8 centimeters wide, sometimes cordate-ovate for. Sod, CAT, ALT and AST, ALP and MDA levels alloxan. Palong Shaker Ghonto requires only roughly chopped spinach, so this way the saag can toggled! Dysuria, coughs, dysentery, hypertension - seeds are minute, black, shining, and.. ) Anatomical, Proximate, mineral and Vitamin studies on Celosia argentea ( Linn., Baya.! 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