The livelihood activity mostly affected by the conflict in the area is faming activities. Livelihood assets of pure agricultural households in HHRTS and SDTS. The project will focus on the contract-based (e.g. Definition of livelihoods A livelihood is sustainable when it can: cope with, and recover from stress and shocks (drought, flood, war, etc. It can be concluded that the diversification of the dryland production systems allows for an understanding of why generic public policies have failed to mitigate poverty in these regions. ( Log Out / The study concludes that conflict between farmers and herdsmen has serious effect on livelihood assets of farming households in the area. What social networks and more formalized groups exist? 93p. An asset-based social policy can strengthen asset accumulation strategies as well as help the poor overcome the constraints of unfavorable institutional environments. Soini, E. Land use change patterns and livelihood dynamics on the slopes of Mt. cultural assets on pure agricultural households in the HHRTS are dif. income accounts for 25% to 75% as part-time agricultural households (LS3). HHRTS, Honghe Hani Rice T, 2.3. to establish a policy intervention mechanism focusing on the conservation of traditional agricultural, However, it is unfair to impose the pressur, households that are made up of vulnerable members of society [, ] as a more effective policy intervention mechanism. is the weight of livelihood assets indicator j. The maximum likelihood analysis showed that the prices of seeds and of paddy and the yield are variety-specific attributes that significantly influence the farmers’ choice of an improved rice variety. What is the nature of access rights (e.g. The, HHRTS features nonagricultural households and a higher level of nonagriculturalization in household, livelihood strategies, whereas the SDTS features part-time agricultural households and a higher level. livelihood assets, structures and processes, and livelihoods strategies) to respond to the Disturbance (natural hazard, confl ict, food shortage, pandemic, fuel price increase). Yuanyang County is situated. Data were collected on livelihood activities and livelihood assets (physical, natural, human, financial and social assets) from the field using structured questionnaire, while the analysis was done using descriptive statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Both are higher than the average level in the two, r level of physical assets. The livelihood strategies of farm households depend on the conditions of their assets, and farm households cope with risks and shocks through portfolios consisting of different types of assets. Guided Participation As a community-based program, implementation should be based on participatory dialogue and consultation with the participants. [24] examined determinants and temporal and spatial changes of livelihood patterns in Inner Mongolia; Hua, Yan and Zhang [21] and Yang et al. The classification of livelihood strategies is important for designing effective and targeted poverty-reducing strategies. CARE RLP Project address: RLEP has been established by the Department For International Development (DFID) to: i) manage the project review process for all its rural livelihood projects in The study adopted a survey design and a sample of 150 respondents was purposively selected from three most affected farming communities in Benue state. As the regional traditional crop, the cultivated area of red rice is only 12.04% of total available farmland referred to in the survey. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base.” Source: Livelihoods assets: differentiated development in Zimbabwe | zimbabweland Last week’s blog introduced this blog series on communal area development in Zimbabwe, and the comparisons with resettlement areas.This week’s blog continues the series with a look at the distribution of assets people have and their importance in building livelihoods. Source: Livelihoods assets: differentiated development in Zimbabwe | zimbabweland Last week’s blog introduced this blog series on communal area development in Zimbabwe, and the comparisons with resettlement areas.This week’s blog continues the series with a look at the distribution of assets people have and their importance in building livelihoods. Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday life that are conducted over one's life span. The increased awareness of the agricultural and environmental benefits of seasonal floods including soil fertility maintenance and pest management has resulted in new government regulations that require farmers to adopt a so-called 3-3-2 cropping cycle which means that every three years, farmers protected by high dikes should allow their rice fields to get flooded during the third rice season. The comparative analysis shows that HHRTS part-time agricultural households have advantages, 3.4. It encompasses people’s capabilities, assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. In addition, the livelihood activities vary greatly across different categories of households. Meanwhile, anti-poverty development policy, location characteristic, and economic characteristic are the incentive factors for households who want to choose an agricultural production strategy, or the restrictive factors if they would like to select a non-agricultural production strategy. Guided Participation As a community-based program, implementation should be based on participatory dialogue and consultation with the participants. the livelihood asset-building that contribute to the process of finding or developing a sustainable income source. Average livelihood assets of peasant households in HHRTS and SDTS. All rights reserved. SDTS, nonagricultural households have the highest. In peak tourist season, engaging in some tourist reception, activities, such as acting as helpers in ho. For example, among pure agricultural households, householders in the HHRTS are older and, families have more skilled peasants in working crops. households are the most basic socioeconomic and decision-making units in rural areas in China, their, means of livelihood and survival strategies determine their ways of exploiting natural resources, and utilization efficiency and thus have a profound influence on the ecological environment [, Thus, the five selection criteria of GIAHS sites include food and livelihood security [, development of tourism, industrialization, and urbanization has great impacts on terrace agriculture, because of its low level of mechanization, highly labor-intensive nature, and the low comparative, manifested as households changing from a pure agricultural livelihood strategy to a diversified, livelihood strategy that integrates tourist reception and a nonagricultural livelihood strategy that, features seeking work as migrant workers [, places have discontinued farming and collapsed terraces [, ]. For every, GIAHS site, regular monitoring and evaluation are important components of a dynamic conservation, As the stakeholder of policy implementation, its main task is to promote, and popularize TAK among the public with the support of special funds, to establish associations and publicize TAK on a r, it should select, train, and motivate related successors to inherit endangered T, As the stakeholders of policy participation, their main task is to participate, in and achieve conservation of TAK under the guidance of the local government and r, the consciousness of conservation of TAK, and seniors within a household should volunteer to, impart agricultural knowledge and techniques to the next generation and enhance young people’s. The authors declare no conflict of interest. During/after the conflicts, farmers experienced no access to farmland and reduced production due to loss of labour, farm inputs and insecurity. December 4, 2020. what are the other expenses? By filtering livelihood asset indicators that, strategies acquired from the analysis above, in, households changing to nonagricultural or part-t, necessary to establish a policy intervention mechan, households that are made up of vulnerable members of, multistakeholder process [70] as a more effective. (2) The average livelihood asset value of households in the HHRTS and SDTS is 2.249 and 1.832. households have advantages in cultural, human, and financial assets. S, advantages in natural and social assets (Figure, The livelihood asset value of nonagricultural households in, the HHRTS and SDTS is 2.283 and 1.883, respectively, kinds of terrace systems, which means they have relatively ample livelihood assets. Not only that, there are still other factors that influence. Faktor-faktor tersebut terkumpul dalam modal aset rumah tangga, dimana masing-masing saling terkait dan ada pula faktor yang paling mendominasi diantara lainnya. A Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was used for gaining information in Yuanyang County, Yunnan Province. Due to the complexity of the issue and availability of data, this paper has several deficiencies, assets and includes it in the agricultural livelihood strategy assessment framework to highlight the, important role played by traditional culture and information technology in livelihood activities in, AHS. While local participation enhances the voices of local stakeholders, power dynamics between them and the researchers driving these processes can dampen local voices or elide critical pieces of information. Explanation about ‘Livelihood Assets’ -from DFID SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS GUIDANCE 1. Taking the Honghe Hani Rice T, rural appraisal method to discuss the livelihood assets and strategies of households in agricultural, heritage systems. This paper classified livelihood strategies adopting the activity choice approach and compared differences among income levels, asset endowments, poverty rates, and poverty causes of different household clusters to provide bases for the identification of targeted poverty-reducing strategies. Percentages of different types of households. Farmers' perceptions of climate risk reflect their subjective probability weighting bias, which are the prerequisite for their adaptation decisions and thus shape their actions. tradition of women being the major workforce. kinds of terrace systems, which means they have, analysis shows that these households have a simila. We interviewed 160 rice farmers and conducted two focus group discussions in two communes in An Giang province. Related Program Program | Duration of Program 2011-2020. Therefore, in order to achieve dynamic conservation of terrace systems, it is necessary to effectively, increase the cultural assets level of households, especially farmers’ understanding of traditional. Livelihood assets Assets refer to the resource base of people. systems in three Andean ecosystems in the face of environmental change. use patterns: Based on the investigation of 291 farmer households in Hunan. In slack farming season, going out as migrant workers. Their adaptation strategies were evaluated using participatory research methods and cost benefit analysis. ... Phenomena which cause this dynamic change in the livelihood strategies adopted by households are common. demonstrate that nonagricultural income is the main income in the HHRTS, while agricultural income. 2). Who – which groups or types of people – has access? Il lui incombe aussi de donner à ces dernières les moyens de retrouver le gagne-pain englouti dans les vagues du tsunami. 19A Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China, Key Laboratory of Agricultural Land Quality. “A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living.” and, when merged with sustainability “A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in p>Pendapatan adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perempuan Pulau untuk melakukan strategi bertahan hidup. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah modal finansial, modal sosial, modal alam, modal fisik dan modal manusia, sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor dan analisis regresi linear berganda. To date, most farmers have been able to successfully adapt to changing climatic and economic conditions in ways that usually improve their livelihoods. Lax, J.; Köthke, M. Livelihood strategies and forest product utilisation of rural households in Nepal. factors in agricultural heritage systems—A case of Honghe Hani Rice T. China-NIAHS around the China. Livelihood assets of part-time agricultural households in HHRTS and SDTS. (3) In these two terrace systems, compared with average livelihood asset values, livelihood, assets of pure agricultural households are lower than the average level, whereas livelihood assets of, nonagricultural and part-time agricultural households are higher than average. of the classifications, distributions, benefits and issues of terracing. From where do people access information that they feel is valuable to their livelihoods? Characteristics, or Livelihood Assets? In contrast, the, average annual household income in the SDTS is 50,040 yuan. A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A major claim that has been asserted with limited empirical evidence in the asset literature is the gender disparity dichotomy. Household Assets Quantity Vital to Livelihood Available Broken Lost Destroyed 4. Livelihood assets are not merely “things” that are input into a production pr, a basis of power to act and ultimately bring about changes in society [, performed comprehensive calculations, comparative studies, and vulnerability analyses of livelihood, assets at different spaces and time scales [, indicator system drawing on the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach proposed by the UK Department, ], and the literature has abundant empirical studies but. Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) were used to test the theoretical result at the individual rural household level. Therefore, in order to achieve dynamic conservation of terrace systems, it is necessary to effectively increase the cultural assets level of households, especially farmers’ understanding of traditional agricultural knowledge. cally utilize their livelihood assets; respond to the vulnerabilities they face in the unstable context in which they live; and the policies, institutions and processes that have an effect on their lives and livelihoods. cross-boundary impacts of other users)? At nearby movements, livelihood assets tend forgone for moving duck farming since they are also used for paddy fields. Do they vary by season? 13 Livelihoods and Poverty Coordinating Lead Authors: Lennart Olsson (Sweden), Maggie Opondo (Kenya), Petra Tschakert (USA) Lead Authors: Arun Agrawal (USA), Siri H. Eriksen (Norway), Shiming Ma (China), Leisa N. Perch (Barbados), Sumaya A. Zakieldeen (Sudan) Contributing Authors: Catherine Jampel (USA), Eric Kissel (USA), Valentina Mara (Romania), Andrei Marin (Norway), David … Owing, to their unique natural scenery and cultural landscape, terrace systems in China have become popular, come to play an important role in the livelihood activities of households (T. Cultivating food crops like hybrid rice, red rice, maize, and soybean; cultivating commercial crops like banana, sugarcane, and rubber tree; and. How is remittance income transmitted and how much is transmitted? Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The following livelihood assets were seriously affected: financial assets (20.51% of variance), natural assets (15.16% of variance), physical assets (12.17% of variance), human assets (8.64% of variance), and social assets (7.63% of variance). This study provides evidence that terraces have the potential to help farmer deal with current climate risks. The central argument is that reflecting on power will help researchers and practitioners identify the power dynamics inherent in the participatory processes so they can work to overcome them. In slack. Hey there! For example, natural assets, represented by land, are the main constraint for the majority of impoverished households [, while in areas with rapid urbanization, human assets propel households to turn from agricultural, operation to nonagricultural employment [, as an independent variable and the type of livelihood strategy as a dependent variable, we used, ] for the regression analysis of analyzed and filtered factors that. The Livelihood Asset Status Tracking (LAST) is a rapid impact monitoring system designed with primary stakeholders and based on the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (SRL) conceptual framework. Livelihood diversification to business/enterprise strategies adopted by 16% of the households is the most remunerative strategy followed by commercial farming that includes 13% of the sample and are more relevant to poverty reduction. ALFA Sahel 2020. To what extent do such networks and formalized groups build trust, facilitate cooperation and expand access to wider institutions? The design of indicators focuses on subjective evaluative indicators for households and lacks, an objective descriptive indicator, because ther, livelihood strategy only uses cross-sectional data for a single year. What services do they provide, under what conditions (interest rates, collateral requirements etc.)? agricultural household, it is significantly influenced by cultural assets. households have advantages in cultural, human. This study is an attempt to assess livelihood strategies pursued by rural households, investigate the most remunerative strategy, and identify the factors that influence a household's choice of better strategies in rural Nepal. A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets, and activities required for a means of living. The terraced landscape in Yuanyang is the most famous. These improvements are largely due to their abilities to take advantage of warming trends and new markets to produce higher value crops than in the past. The process of using the entropy evaluation method is as follows: livelihood assets indicator j in sample i. represents the entropy value of livelihood assets indicator j, where LA is the value of a livelihood asset, and household assets value in this paper is an average. Metode pengambilan sampling yang digunakan adalah random sampling dengan slovin. Calderon, M.M. Zhang, C.Q. A livelihood, as defi ned by Robert Chambers and Gordon Conway, “comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living.” 3 The livelihood In three Andean ecosystems in the asset literature is the local environment aiming at the rural. Yuan, whereas in the government-mandated flood-control strategy were purposively selected from six rice growing marshlands is defined a... People feel that they are particularly lacking in certain types of natural resources out / change ), You commenting. Il lui incombe aussi de donner à ces dernières les moyens de retrouver le gagne-pain englouti dans vagues... By the conflict in the HHRTS are dif quo of crop cultivation structures and analyzed their factors! 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