A. Here we are providing The Road Not Taken Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Literature Reader, Extra Questions for Class 9 English was designed by subject expert teachers. A. 0000009895 00000 n In the beginning, the poet felt that one of them was grassy and had not been walked over by many people, but when he walked on it for some distance, he realized that it was like the other road. TEXTUAL EXERCISES (Page 64) Question 1. } Here we have given CBSE Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken. Answer Answers to this question may vary from student to student since the question involves personal liking or disliking. /CA 1 Before taking the path, he wanted to know how it was. They represent people who are older than the poet. The poet while travelling on foot in the woods reaches a junction where two roads diverge. /H [ 1240 220 ] What problem does he face? /BitsPerComponent 8 This poem is about the fact of making choices in life based on one's interests and experiences. 5.Repetition: ‘Ages’ is repeated. << This is a very strong message for all the students - that you should be wise and be careful while making choices out of the options that you have in your life because your future depends on the choice that you make today. Class 9 English Beehive The Road Not Taken (Poem) Extract Based Questions (3 marks each) Read the extract given below and answers the question that follow. The poet says that both the paths were similar that morning. He spent most of His adult life in rural New England. >> 2.Symbolism: two roads which represents two or more choices in our life, 3.Anaphora: ‘and’ repeated at the beginning of lines 2, 3 and 4, 4.Alliteration: Wanted Wear ‘w’ sound is repeating. The choice that you made, made you what you became of it. We have provided The Road Not Taken Class 9 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help … Very short type question answers: – (Question1) Who is the poet of the poem “The Road Not Taken”? 0000037466 00000 n /OP false NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 - The Road Not Taken The Road Not Taken Class 9 is about the fact of making different choices in life based on self-experiences and interests. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions by … All the solutions of The Road Not Taken [Poem] - English explained in detail by experts to help students prepare for their CBSE exams. 2. << Question 1. Page No: 16. 0000009682 00000 n } We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 The Road Not Taken with Answers Pdf free download. /Filter [ /FlateDecode /DCTDecode ] The poet sees two roads diverging in a wood and he can’t decide which one he should take. The problem is that he cannot travel both the roads and thus he … The Road Not Taken Summary CBSE Class 9. A. MCQs. /Type /ExtGState v) This phrase means how certain decisions one makes in life could pave the way for many other decisions. /Subtype /Image Candidates who are ambitious to qualify the Class 09 with good score can check this article for Notes. /Contents 35 0 R MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with Answers were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern. x��{8���s���ǺUb0F *Ѡ�sa���\cT2E5{*F�q�8)�c&�h�ڍ�Y�͔d�,adK"��ў=�?�s����߾����}���|���}�����w@ �@"TԐ�H u5 ��6JSe�o Y������z;��zg�M;6;���^V$��G �Ӌ�����J�V[{-��š����:�B@�!0� EA`(�Ǜ� �(A~ ව@ap%e�*Rm�� ��`P8LI _�_�p���Z[W啔P�x�.�[�0uk�С�Ϡ7�1٪H�/�� ��-0�X{����[ܷ<����/���Q{�c�'$9z��r*5�t�N^~AaQ�ْR^%_PU-�]jj��MKkە�7��oI���+�߻?�`h��ѱ'�����/��_-�~���� ����Z���0��'/�ȧ\i����+E%4~��]2t�V4v��n���1���h����~5�����2��ؿ�� ud��`(`0߃�%!��7��D��d�Px�E��謹 With the help of Notes, candidates can plan their Strategy for particular weaker section of subject and study hard. CBSE Class 9 English Poetry A Road not Taken. 0000056318 00000 n Ans: – Robert Frost, an American poet has writer “The Road Not Taken” (Question2) What does the “Road” symbolize here in the poem? The poem “The road not taken” was published in 1916 in the collection “Mountain Interval”. /SMask 13 0 R It is a narrative poem consisting of 4 stanzas of Iambic tetrameter. 0000000017 00000 n Class 9 English Book Beehive Difficult word meaning, CBSE Class 9 English Poems from Beehive book. Where does the traveller find himself? If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest. Practicing these The Road Not Taken Class 9 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key … endobj It represents a world which is full of people, where people have been living for many years. (function (w, d) { for (var i = 0, j = d.getElementsByTagName("ins"), k = j[i]; i < j.length; k = j[++i]){ Please refer to the attached file to access the chapters. ��F ɐ��2��FT6B��k��Б�=U�lm�鮏���}�5�`��I��lM����mg�U��1�G�W �t���,� /Linearized 1 0000023902 00000 n /OPM 1 I. It means that no one had walked over the leaves as they were still green. Ans: – here the “Road” symbolizes our life. Study Material of The Road Not Taken (Summary, Explanation and Word Meanings) Summary of the Poem The poet while travelling on foot in the woods reaches a junction where two roads diverge and he has to choose one among them He stands there for long. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 7 The Road Not Taken. The poem is a metaphor about the dilemma of taking decisions that we have to make in our lives. In the poem, the road symbolises the life of humans. << 0000064401 00000 n Road not taken by Robert Frost. endobj A person who made a decision. Answer: The setting of the poem is a wood where the poet, Robert Frost, has gone for a walk. Answer: Wood means a forest. CBSE Class 9 English-The Road Not Taken Learning the important concepts is very important for every student to get better marks in examinations. The Road Not Taken Summary CBSE Class 9. CBSE Notes CBSE Notes English Literature Reader NCERT Solutions English Literature Reader. What problem does he face? The poem is inspirational, a paean to individualism and non-conformism. Where does the traveller find himself? Road not taken by Robert Frost. Answer the following questions briefly. 0000064645 00000 n NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Road Not Taken Poem are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 The Road Not Taken with Answers Pdf free download. /Length 131 He would go further on the chosen path and not get a chance to go back on it. Beehive Class 9 The Road Not Taken tells that if humans make the right choice, it can make a good future, but if people go with the wrong choice, they cannot go back on it. What is the setting of the poem? All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson, This well-known poem is about making choices, and the choices that shape us. He was able to see the path till from where it curved after which it was covered with trees and was hidden. Robert Frost wrote this poem for his friend Edward Thomas, as a joke. 39 0 obj Class 9 English The Road Not Taken Notes, Important Question & Practice Paper. Download Now . << He says just as fair, so, he felt that both paths were equally good and started walking on one of them. The poet says that once, he was walking down the road and reached a fork. April 12, 2017. /AIS false April 12, 2017. So, we must be wise while making choices. One … A person lost in the woods. Maharashtra Board. >> CLASS 9 ENGLISH LEARN ENGLISH. /SMask /None 0000017706 00000 n Complete Guide for CBSE Students. The Road Not Taken: 9th Class CBSE English Chapter 07- Short / Long Answers, Multiple Choice Question from The Road Not Taken: 9th Class CBSE Tuesday , January 19 2021 Advertising All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson. This will help them to identify their weak areas and will help them to score better in examination. He spent most of His adult life in rural New England. 11 0 obj He comes to a fork in the woods and does not know which path to take. By Robert Forst. It is a narrative poem consisting of 4 stanzas of Iambic tetrameter. He says that in the future, he will take a deep breath and say that once upon a time, he had reached such a point in life that there were two options for him and he travelled on that road which had been travelled upon by lesser number of people. /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] He had to choose one out of these two roads Yellow wood means a forest with leaves which are wearing out and they have turned yellow in colour – the season of autumn. 0000009239 00000 n 7 33 All the solutions of The Road Not Taken [Poem] - English explained in detail by experts to help students prepare for their CBSE exams. Answer: Leaves no step had trodden black: When leaves are crushed under feet, they turn black. This well-known poem is about making choices, and the choices that shape us. The Road Not Taken. He inspected them to decide which was a better option and then chose the one which seemed less walked over. 0000001127 00000 n /Group 38 0 R Robert Frost (1874*1963) was born in San Francisco. /Type /XObject 0000056869 00000 n The Road Not Taken Class 9 MCQ Questions with Answers English Poem 1. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 0000017216 00000 n September 3, 2020 by Laxmi. /Lang Given here is the complete explanation of the Poems, along with a summary. We think that we are choosing a better option, but it is not that way. The Poet. Think about choices you make on a daily basis, and the importance of these choices. The attached concepts made as per NCERT and CBSE pattern will help the student to understand the chapter and score better marks in the examinations. For the Summary, QA and explanation of Class 9 English Beehive book poem 1 - The Road not Taken, click here. The poem is a metaphor about the dilemma of taking decisions that we have to make in our lives. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Explanation. The poem talks about making personal choices and rationalizing our decisions with pride or with regret. He adds that maybe he felt that the path was better for him so he chooses it as it had grass on it which means that it was unused. Given here is the complete explanation of the Poems, along with summary. What did the narrator see in the wood? NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. It means that as we walk on a path, we come across more options and make choices further. 7 0 obj diverged: separated and took a different direction, yellow wood: a forest with decomposing leaves, undergrowth: dense growth of plants and bushes means the forest). Answer: The setting of the poem is a wood where the poet, Robert Frost, has gone for a walk. Subscribe For Latest Updates Candidates who are pursuing in Class 09 are advised to revise the notes from this post. /N 2 The two paths were similar. Thinking about the poem I. The poem is inspirational, a paean to individualism and non-conformism. We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 The Road Not Taken with Answers Pdf free download. This is an introductory lecture on CBSE Class 9th topic - The Road Not Taken. Here two roads are meant two ways of life. 0000005347 00000 n NCERT Solutions for Class 9th: The Road Not Taken (Poem) Beehive English. })(window, document); Literary Devices used in the Poem - The Road Not Taken, Chapter 1 The Fun they had , Class 9 English Explanation, summary, Question Answers, Chapter 2 The Sound of Music , Evelyn Glennie Class 9 CBSE English, Chapter 3 The little Girl , Class 9 CBSE English, Chapter 4 A truly beautiful mind , Class 9 English Explanation, summary, Question Answers, Chapter 5 The Snake and the Mirror , Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Chapter 6 My Childhood , Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Chapter 7 Packing , Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Chapter 8 Reach for the Top Part 2 Maria Sharapova, Summary, Explanation, Book Questions - Class 9 CBSE English Lesson, Chapter 8 Reach for the Top Part 1 Santosh Yadav, Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Chapter 9 Bond of love, Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Chapter 10 Kathmandu, Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Chapter 11 If I were you, Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Poem 1 The Road Not Taken , Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Poem 3 Rain on the Roof , Class 9 English, Poem 4 The Lake Isle of Innisfree , Class 9 English Poem with Explanation, Summary, Poem 5 A Legend of the Northland , Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Poem 6 No Men Are Foreign, Class 9 CBSE English Lesson Explanation, Summary, Poem 7 The Duck and the Kangaroo, Class 9 English Poem with Explanation, Summary, Poem 8 On Killing A Tree, Class 9 English Poem with Explanation, Summary, Poem 9 The Snake Trying, Class 9 English Poem with Explanation, Summary, Poem 10 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal, Class 9 English Poem with Explanation, Summary, Class 9 English Book Beehive difficult words meaning, Chapter 1 The Lost Child Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Chapter 3 Iswaran the Storyteller , Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Questions, Chapter 4 In the Kingdom of Fools Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Chapter 5 The Happy Prince , Class 9 English Explanation, summary, Question Answers, Chapter 6 Weathering the storm in Ersama Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Chapter 7 The Last Leaf Class 9 English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Chapter 8 A house is not a Home Class 9 English Summary, Explanation, Question Answers, Chapter 9 The Accidental Tourist Class 9 English Summary, Explanation, Question Answers, Chapter 10 The Beggar Class 9 English Lesson, Summary, Explanation, Question Answers, Class 8 Hindi Lessons Explanation, Summary, Difficult words, Class 8 Science Lessons Explanation, Summary, Difficult words, Class 10 English Lessons - Explanation, Summary, Difficult words, Class 10 Hindi Notes, Summary, Explanation, Question and Answers, Class 12 English Lessons - Explanation, Summary, Difficult words, Learn English Grammar in Hindi ( step by step) - Learn English Online Videos, English Writing Skills - Class 10, 12 Letter Formats, Email etc, Entrance Exams for Arts students after Graduation, List of Entrance Exams conducted by IGNOU. << This is possible only when you have the best CBSE Class 09 English study material and a smart preparation plan. SURVEY . CBSE Notes Class 9 English The Road Not Taken. Also, attempt free Mock test of poem 1 MCQs here. Class 9 English chapter wise NCERT solution for English part 1 and English part 2 for all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free. The poet or the traveller was passing through a wood. %%EOF 1. 3. The Road Not Taken Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Literature The Road Not Taken Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type. Robert Frost is an American poet who writes simply, but insightfully, about common, ordinary experiences. /ca 1 NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter wise Solutions Beehive. The Road Not Taken Class 9 MCQ Questions with Answers English Poem 1. 0000064562 00000 n /PageLayout /OneColumn /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 10 0 R /GS1 11 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 That decision of his decided his future. /Pages 5 0 R Poet: Robert Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) Summary It was autumn and the leaves had turned yellow. Same way Class 09 are advised to refer to the latest question paper pattern the of. ’ refers to the Road Not Taken the Road Not Taken Extra Questions English Beehive the Road symbolises the of! For Class 9 English Beehive the Road Not Taken ” was published in 1916 the! The benefit of CBSE students a problem as he walked on it which seemed less walked over the very... This is possible only when you have the best CBSE Class 9 Poems! Rural New England the extract given below and answer the Questions that follows: two roads diverging a... Is very Important for every student to get better marks in examinations subject and study.... 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