I am interested in new recipes using tallow. I believe we should all try to get back to doing it ourselves whenever we can. I am just starting soaps for my family so don’t need a HUGE amount. One of my readers is a soap maker and she said she cleans her tallow several times before using it for soaps because it removes the “beefy” smell, and that her soaps always come out beautifully and fully moisturizing. I used lard (actually leftover bacon grease). Oooh, hemp oil! They are stable fats that produce rich, creamy lather with nice cleansing properties. Strongly worded maybe but not vehement. Both tallow and lard are great for soap making. I got a free book from them when I ordered recently, and was blown away with the healing stories from the coconut oil testimonials, and the story of the family behind Tropical Traditions. LOL!) LOL! The white, firm fat produced could be used in cooking, candle making, and salves, as well as soap making. i’ve actally been eyeing your all-in-one bar recipe to be my first bar if/when i begin soaping – which i’m sure i will once i’ve got other projects out of the way. Tallow isn't necessary a magical ingredient who give it automatically some superiority over non-tallow soaps. I’ve made a few different recipes for body/hair and have made minor alterations based on what I have on hand, but have been nervous to make any substitutions (I once left out the castor oil because I didn’t have any, and got almost no suds!) So while I love soap made from animal fats, I just don’t know if I should compromise my value system regarding ingredients derived from genetically modified anything for the sake of convenience (plus, while it’s easy for me to obtain back fat from organic pigs, it’s difficult to get much tallow from grassfed cattle – they just don’t have much fat to begin with). That’s what they had and that’s what they could process down to pure fat easily. Even if she never warms to the idea of washing dirty dishes, at least you will know that two completely different people can still be friends. I am severely allergic to pork so I was looking for a better alternative. It didn’t work out that way. I am wondering if it isn’t plain lard? . http://www.soapmakingforum.com/showthread.php?t=36056&highlight=lard+smell. I don’t use palm oil for all the reasons you outlined — even “sustainable” palm is only relatively so… I have a terrific supplier of fair-trade (social enterprise) unrefined shea — it makes FANTASTIC soap. I would never hide that info from a vegan. Overall, beef tallow is a lot like lard, though lard comes from a pig and beef tallow from cows. Luckily I live in a hunting area so there is a good mix of those who are and are not squeamish. Hi George—thanks for reading, and welcome to the awesome world of soaping I’m thrilled to hear that I’ve swayed you to the tallow side of the argument. What percentage did you use the figs at? My first flop – i’m pretty happy about it though and even more so happy to be in the soap game finally! Vegan “leather” has to be the worst of all. In the simplest terms, rendering fat means to melt it at a low temperature just until the meat, blood and other debris solidifies, and the water evaporates. I used 15% from your latte shampoo bar recipe. Handmade soaps are the best! I personally prefer to use lard and thus, the non vegan way – just with 10 % of local organic pig lard, I am able to cut down heavily the amounts of exotic oils and I can incorporate lots of other oils that are produced in spain and the meditteranean area. I can’t work anymore so this would be a great way to bring in some extra money. The local supermarket butcher gave me a few Kg of super white lamb tallow for a few cents as he has to dump most of it. Is rosmarin “rosemary”? I kind of doubt you’d feel good about going with non fair-trade/rainforest/orangutan safe stuff, given your convictions about cows & CAFOs (which I totally agree with), Work longer cure times into your business model so you can use less/no lard/tallow or palm. I giggle when people say they don’t use “lye soap” or don’t use soap with animal fats. ), so I can’t offer much guidance here. How does this work to take care of that? Can you suggest the best recipe for a first time newbie like me to try? Thanks! Hi Verica! The label specifically states it is palm oil manufactured in Africa under fair trade and sustainable conditions. im not afraid to say…i teared up right there in the grocery! I hate waste too, if we must take a life, we should use everything we can. Last time I used cranberries I tried to swirl them, and I ended up with funny bits of the soap that dried out much more than the rest of the soap, and started to cave in. I got it at Albertsons, is there somewhere else I should look? Blessings to you and yours. My foray into soaping has turned up such a gift of a truly inspiring community of people. Thanks so much for reading, commenting, and being so supportive—I really appreciate it It’s great to know that all the time, money, and effort I sink into this site are appreciated by people like you! While beeswax can certainly contribute to a hard bar, it’s not a great substitute for including a hard oil in your recipe—especially for beginner soapers. I already make our own laundry detergent, dish detergent, toothpaste, herbal first aid ointments salves and tinctures… we cloth diaper our child ( with diapers bought used on craigslist/ebay! When the idea first came to me I thought of the perfect name for my company…….. you beat me to it. I make mine with cocnut oil, crisco and olive oil.I find that it doesn’t last very long with use. Here, besides palm kernel oil, we can find cupuaçu (cocoa) butter, maracujá (passion fruit) butter and babaçu coconut butter, all native of our country (hence cheap and free of environmental concerns) that apparently work very similarly to palm oil in soap making. I wasn’t thinking about learning how to render elk tallow (or deer tallow or any other kind of tallow) when I started out with my latest bone broth adventure. I use goat tallow in my soap. EW! Personally, I don’t have a problem using lard or tallow. I love that everyone shares and agrees to disagree. So far, only a small handful of people were grossed out by that fact and the others found it extremely intriguing. Paraben steak. I have no problem using lard or tallow, I’m just not sure how well that would go over on Etsy! My grandparents went “to the country” to meet up with the relatives to butcher chickens and came back with food for storage and “homemade soap”. Maybe I could use it for the soap I make for myself. I am a homesteader looking to use our tallow to make our soaps after hearing so much about this traditional practice. ), incorporating it first with a spoon and then you can mix again with an electric mixer (if you use it). Thanks so much, Rebecca! Your fig and honey soap sounds fantastic! Also when I do a batch with coconut milk, yogurt, fresh fruit, veg etc I don’t insulate after my pour, instead I put the fresh soap somewhere cold (outside in the winter or *carefully* into the freezer) for a few hours so things don’t get too hot and curdle/spoil! I did anyhow render it. Haha, yes, always looking for animal-free solutions to everything Can’t say I’m sold on the idea of soy cheese, though, haha. That said, I wouldn’t mind the word “lard” said in a list of ingredients in soap. If an animal dies of natural causes, old age, etc., then you are free to take and use any part of that animal you like. I have tried google searching articles about sustainable palm oil, but they are very conflicting. Thank you so much for your reply. Specifically, I was thinking, maybe what I could do is make a 0% super fat formula using tallow, and then after the saponification process has ended (I do mostly Hot Process), I could add something like coconut oil as my super fat right before I begin incorporating my fragrance or color, etc. Hey Maggie! Ok, can you please help me understand something on your and Bethany’s conversation? Thank you!! The little bit I have played around with EO in my recipes, hasn’t always been successful. My idea is to develop a recipe for a soap made from oils that are easy to get and inexpensive… I’m not really a doomsday prepper, but I do think about what might be available should some catastrophic event happen and all those luxurious oils are no longer available. By itself, tallow soap is very easy on the skin, so you want to find a good balance of oils that increase cleaning and make your soap suitable for all skin types. Hi Stacey! I was excited to see someone thinking about using animal fat with the same mindset of waste not – want not. I keep opening the bag and having a sniff – I think I am seriously addicted! Hi Fatima, try adding a tiny bit of beeswax in your mix. Alternatives. . Do your soaps take longer to saponify that way? Have you seen The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society? Thanks for sharing this! I am happy to see your post on using lard and tallow. And thank you for the lovely inspiring blog! the reason it was included. The solid lotion bar, with tallow substituted for half of the beeswax, was creamy and smooth on the skin without a greasy after-feel. http://www.soapmakingforum.com/f11/my-first-shaving-soap-success-34264/index4.html#post339365, http://www.soapmakingforum.com/showthread.php?t=36056&highlight=lard+smell, Judging by the comments on this entry of mine, http://www.lovinsoap.com/2012/10/how-to-make-goats-milk-soap-using-farm-fresh-goats-milk/, http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/free-beginners-guide-to-soapmaking-common-soapmaking-oils/, http://www.westonaprice.org/know-your-fats/traditional-nourishing-and-healing-skin-care, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-bees-have-feelings/, you can read more about soap vs. antibacterial soap here, Tallow and coconut oil will produce a fairly decent soap on their own, Soap Queen has loads of great Melt & Pour resources, https://www.amazon.ca/Wartime-Farm-Peter-Ginn/dp/1845337085, Helping use the rest of an animal that was killed for other reasons, and would be dead regardless of whether or not I rescued some of its fat from the trash bin, Work the cost of the extra effort of rendering into the price of your final product—people are generally willing to pay extra for something local and GMO free, and you clearly have good reasons so I’d think you could explain it very well to most customers, If you want to use palm oil, you’ll likely end up with the same inflated cost if you want the fair trade stuff. If that is the case, it is possible that her religion and the way she was raised has caused her to see meat products (particularly non kosher meat) as something that will defile her. How long does it typically take to make a batch? I have some vegan bars I made with shea butter about 2 years ago and they’re nice and firm now! Not a fan of chalk tooth powder, but that’s just me. So what do I ask for when I go to the grocery store? I’m not very experimental. It’s fine either way, and hard within hours. A good way to have together time if I may say so. I make large batches and the good thing is, these bars are like good wine – the older the better! Most cold process recipes are formulated for a 3 week aging time, which works when you’ve got a good amount of a hardening fat in the recipe. Cool, eh? My husband will have to help with the financial part of it as I have a learning disability and just can’t do math. As for me personally, while I can appreciate and respect the use of an animal product that was, like you said, going in the garbage anyway, I’m not sure if I could consciously wash myself with (partial) animal fat. Glad to hear it, Leslie! Thanks so much, Susan! Tallow and lard both have their uses in soap making and cooking. I recommend giving this FAQ a read. Hey Monique! I have been vegetarian for 45 years (I’m 64), and maybe someone has already made this comment (I don’t have time to read ALL the blog posts), but, I’ll make my comment anyway. How would I now how many drops that is for each? I treated my butter well. It’s always nice to have your first batch be a success My All-in-One bar is really easy and traces quickly—I think it’s a great starter bar , Marie, thank you so much for answering my questions. But, for my own use, if I have fat, I’ll render it for tallow and use it. I love the results I’m getting, but the thought has occurred to me that people used to make soap out of lard or tallow, and probably not much else… so I’m thinking of experimenting with a plain lard soap. No rancidity, no beefy smell. Do you know of a good one? 1- I’ve not noticed if the soaps take longer to saponify, I suppose they probably do but I always give my soaps a minimum of 4 weeks to cure and that’s always been plenty of time. Anybody who uses palm oil or buys products containing palm oil are effectively beating an orangutan to death with big stick and giving it’s baby to their children to abuse until it dies. I hope I haven’t offended anyone who reads this post. We raise meat goats, they have an incredibly good life on our farm. bummer, eh! He did not have any fat on him like the chicken purchased at grocery stores. I’m vegetarian too, and so I have been on the fence about lard and tallow. Hi Marie Hi Marie Im pretty sure you will laugh with me, my hubby want me to do amsoap similar than the want he likes “YARDLEY” ok he always mentioned that he didnt know how people like tallow in their soaps, he said I loved yours because moisturize but I feel squiky clean with that one, so I went to the store and took a picture of his soap ingredients and you know what? No, fat will not get you clean… but soap is not fat. Its a fine balance alright. I’m afraid I don’t have any experience soaping with lamb tallow, but it should make a nice soap as long as you can find a SAP value for it (soap calc has one) I’ve heard that rendering the fat with a chopped up potato in the pot can help absorb the meaty scent, and usually the scent doesn’t end up in final bars, but sheep is a bit smellier than beef, so I’m not sure if that would be the case here :/ I’ve had other readers ask about using lamb/sheep fat, but none of them have ever reported back with their results. Thank you so much for your input I avoid Crisco for the same reasons I avoid palm oil (because it usually contains palm oil). I wonder if the maids were given different soap than Lady Mary and the rest of the Downton “upstairs ladies”! I enjoyed this very much. Whew! Cook with tallow in lieu of olive oil or butter. Justifying this is just turning a blind eye. I guess next time I will have to ask them to grind it for me. “RSPO is the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. If they don’t, well then using beeswax and eating honey are not issues. I wonder if I should have discounted the water. again…suet is beef or mutton fat, and not lard. While I started my journey via the M&P way, I have my lye ready and while I have yet to mix my first batch of CP, I have been devouring all things soap. Take the butter and melt it and the impurities will come up to the top, skim those off and you are left with Clarified Butter, or Ghee. Hopefully that all made sense lol , I love this—thanks so much for sharing, Cailin! Some people have the very wrong idea that animal fats like lard and tallow will clog the pores and make the soap “heavy”. Super fat at 5 percent. Castile soap (pure olive oil soap) comes from parts of the world where olive oil was plentiful. Do you notice that you never quite achieve the gel stage? How are the EO’s figured into the recipe? I would be pissed to see in an Etsy shop nothing but soaps made with palm oil with no reassurance it’s the sustainable kind. In my feeble attempt to reduce my footprint on the earth, I have just made my first batch of soap. Hi KM! Thank you so much for your suggestions! As women, it’s our duty to protect our families. I can get lard pretty easily (and cheaply) and on SoapCalc there’s a thing for “Lard, Pig Tallow (Manteca)”. it has such a creamy lather, it’s definitely going to be one of my go to recipes. I guess tallow or palm oil would have to do. It’s the only oil that defies the rule. I use large electric Turkey roasters outside or in garage to do down Tallow. Ouch! Thanks so much for your inspirational and historical soap recipes. Hi Lynn! Whoops! It is the purest form of fat from the cow, yet the cow isn’t slaughtered to obtain it, and the cow gives gallons and gallons of milk every morning and evening… it just needs grass and water. Instead to make my soap hard I use cocoa or shea, but it still seems wrong to have it shipped over here when I can get tallow for free across the road, that would anyhow go to waste. I can’t wait to make some soap with it. Hi Larry—drops are really not a unit of measurement (they’re in the loosey-goosy category along with “pinches” and “knobs”). That was this January, and then I got hooked on soap. Hi KM, not sure if this helps you but I found this link: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/free-beginners-guide-to-soapmaking-common-soapmaking-oils/ Here’s a cool experiment to read up on . , lemongrass and orange – i ’ ve even come around about fur from... Glut of figs and i still probably wont use it up: the essential Guide to DIY Makeup and care! Though ) anyway, what is the most part i prefer the combo. The up-coming holidays….a large portion of halloween candy that one would work out here if i was happy. It better too i hugely appreciate you contributing your experience and research for everyone to read and benefit!! The great information from everyone in my soaps and told how long does it typically to. Route, i ’ m glad you found it extremely intriguing people from his work what. Really fun discussion—I ’ ve never noticed it no animal products cut into,... Nice topic Marie Greetings Danuta, thanks for this as i also use a few batches with real. 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