politics & government Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut Who Believed In Alien Life, Dies At 85 He passed away in West Palm Beach, Florida, at 85, … In his email to HuffPost, he states the following: "I have told several sources about my connections over the years with military officers manning missile silos during the Cold War with the Soviet Union who told me personally of UFOs hovering over their missile sites and disabling the missiles targeting the Soviet Union. "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," Dr. Mitchell said. He said the Earth has been visited by beings from other worlds a number of other times also, some of which he had insider knowledge of during his time at NASA. Those who believe in UFOs got validation for their conclusions and will continue to look for answers. LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. He did not say that NASA was involved in a cover-up. These events were also covered up. Edgar Dean Mitchell was an American pilot and astronaut who spoke openly about his belief that UFOs are visits by space aliens. While the former moonwalker has no problem suggesting that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials who may also be using the moon as a good vantage point for keeping an eye on our planet, in this particular case, he's saying that the specific quotes attributed to him by The Mirror were, frankly, alien to him. Edgar Mitchell on FoxNews – July 25th,2008Commenting on recent disclosure with Kerrang Radio.2008-07-25T16:18:34.000Z Mitchell has long stated that there is a huge alien coverup. EDGAR MITCHELL BELIEVES IN ALIEN LIFE. “I know they are here. The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences, or FREE, is a 501c3 Academic Research Not for Profit Foundation. Mitchell isn't the only prominent individual outspoken about UFOs and alien visitation of Earth. Edgar Mitchell is a former NASA scientist and astronaut. “If they were, we’d be gone by now,” Dr Mitchell said. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, says peace-loving aliens visited our planet during weapons tests at US missile bases and the famous White Sands Proving Ground in the New Mexico desert – where the world's first nuclear bomb was detonated in 1945. The Ottawa Citizen reportedback in 1998 from a conference Mitchell spoke at. In later years, he said aliens visited Earth and faith healers were legitimate. My only guess as to why there's this embargo is because of the profit potential that goes along with having the capability and the technology that could go outside of our solar system. Billy Booth is a UFO researcher and writer, author of "UFOs Caught on Film," and webmaster of UFO Casebook. The sixth man to walk on the Moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell is no exception as well. He is the only astronaut who has publicly divulged LSD experimentation, although his post-lunar beard was not nearly as fetching as Transcendental Meditation practitioner Rusty Schweickart's Skylab-era shag 'n' chops.. Mitchell has never claimed, or even hinted, … "We really don't know the scope of our existence and our picture of the universe is still pretty primitive.". Mitchell said he knows some UFOs are real. ", "Officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their [test] missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft. Edgar Mitchell – Apollo 14 astronaut and believer in aliens dies, aged 85. It was information that he believes was shared among military officers who were stationed at locations where UFOs were allegedly responsible for disabling American missiles. He stated that the Air Force is responsible for protecting our skies, and they and various other governmental agencies did not know what to do with the crashed saucer and its superior technology. April 21, 2009 by Erik Van Datiken. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell died at the age of 85. Today is National Voter Registration Day! There are a lot of reports that are misidentifications of planes, stars, comets, balloons, etc, reported as UFOs, and of course, there are many hoaxes, faked photos, and staged videos to cloud the vision of what is real. He's the 6th man to walk on the moon. Edgar Mitchell's Life and NASA Career ", "They wanted to know about our military capabilities. Astronaut Sets Record Straight On ET Nuclear War. Mitchell, one of only 12 people to walk on the moon, devoted later life to the study of aliens and psychic phenomena Edgar claims that he believes in Aliens and UFOs – Aliens are Real! Edgar Mitchell, who rocketed into space as part of the Apollo 14 team to become the sixth man on the moon, claims that members of the U.S. Air Force saw UFOs flying over U.S. missile bases and the White Sands facility in New Mexico preparing to disarm the United States if a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia became imminent. Mitchell isn’t the only prominent individual outspoken about UFOs and alien visitation of Earth. Part of HuffPost News. “Our technology is not nearly as sophisticated”. It was only expected that NASA would be forced to respond to Mitchell's disclosure, and they have. In print, radio and television interviews, she vowed, if elected president, to uncover and release to the public previously classified UFO files, as long as that didn’t harm America’s national security. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Mitchell grew up in New Mexico near both the bomb testing zone and Roswell, where believers think one of the world's most famous UFO encounters took place. A series of interviews with the astronaut in 2008 shocked the world and validated those who believed in alien visitations. But, he did say that his tenure with NASA allowed him to be in a position to obtain above top-secret information. The results of these experiments were published in the Journal of Parapsychology in 1971. ", "My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth. Edgar Mitchell… Edgar Mitchell was one of the 12 astronauts to walk on the surface of the moon. Mitchell is a former NASA astronaut who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission. There is a photograph of the astronaut Edgar Mitchell emerging from the Apollo 14 capsule, a ragged cone of scorched metal and shredded foil … GAITHERSBURG, MD – Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell stated at a UFO conference that extraterrestrial life exists and the government is actively covering it up. He believed that a government cover-up of UFO and alien information began at that time, and was continuing. He maintains that he accurately reported his May 5 conversation with Mitchell. UFO Aliens Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight January 31, 1971, proceeded by the lunar landing on February 5th. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. Therefore, previously, all of the bits and pieces of leaked information were always of a suspicious nature. But, if you look at their statement closely, you may find valuable information in what they did not say. "I know they are here. After his retirement, he became the first cabinet-level politician from a G8 country to go on record claiming that aliens are already on Earth. What was true, and what wasn't? Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, accuses a British paper of fabricating a story about ETs saving America. Through the latest radio interview on the UK-based Kerrang! Mitchell does not. They certainly did not want the Soviets to get their hands on it, and at the same, the best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. In an interview with the Discovery Channel, he made the following statement regarding what he had been told about Roswell: "I did take my story to the Pentagon — not NASA, but the Pentagon — and asked for a meeting with the Intelligence Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and got it. The following segment of "Larry King Live" from 2008 includes military personnel describing their experiences where they claim UFOs interacted with U.S. missiles, in addition to an animated simulation of an event where a missile was knocked out of the sky by an unknown object. Edgar Dean Mitchell was an American pilot and astronaut who spoke openly about his belief that UFOs are visits by space aliens. Edgar Mitchell, Apllo 14 Astronaut claims UFOs once crashed & alien bodies had been recovered. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! "NASA does not track UFOs. ©2021 Verizon Media. HuffPost contacted Jasper Hamill, who wrote the story in The Mirror. Edgar Mitchell (c. 1931-2016) was an Apollo astronaut, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and UFO conspiracy nut. It is true that at least some of this information has leaked out through various sources before, but almost without exception, whoever had knowledge of these truths had to remain anonymous. I told them my story and what I know and eventually had that confirmed by the admiral that I spoke with, that indeed what I was saying was true.". He thought there was a change in the UFO phenomenon between the early and the late 40's. He told interviewer Lisa Bonnice: It seems that Mitchell was not just sitting and soaking up top-secret information, he sought out confirmation for what he had been told. The UFOs Didn't Come In Peace! There's just so much evidence, if anybody will take time off to do a little bit of research and study," Hellyer said on a Russian television program. 2016 -- Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was outspoken on the subject of UFOs and possible alien visitation to Earth. Many of his audio and video interviews on the topic are available online. Mitchell also gives us some insight into the reason the government has kept these and other UFO-related information above top-secret. Paul Hellyer was Canada's minister of defense during the 1960s. There have been a number of well-respected individuals who have said similar things, and some of them may also have had insider information, but none of them had the impact of Mitchell's statement. "I can't say where they're from, but evidence of their presence here is pretty overwhelming -- if you care to look for it. We've got many, many mysteries on our hands and mysteries to solve. In WikiLeaks’s third dump of Clinton-related emails on Tuesday, the late NASA astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell is seen to have been emailing John … The sixth man to walk on the moon has been outspoken over the years in his belief that extraterrestrials have visited the Earth and the moon -- and that the government is withholding vital information about UFOs. Edgar Mitchell was a naval aviator, test pilot, and instructed astronauts before becoming one. But when the infamous British tabloid quoted astronaut Edgar Mitchell as saying that "UFOs came in peace" to "save America from nuclear war," it shocked everybody -- including Mitchell. All rights reserved. Mitchell, one of only 12 humans to set foot on the moon, was not a typical strait-laced astronaut: In later years, he said aliens visited Earth and faith healers were legit. But he also said that a lot of the reports of UFOs are not extraterrestrial in nature. Mitchell says that the aliens mean no harm and are not hostile to man’s interests. Edgar Mitchell was born in September 1930, in Hereford, Texas, which is in the vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico. Apollo 14’s Edgar Mitchell was outspoken about his beliefs around extraterrestrial life forms. A Mirror editorial spokesman, Ben Rankin, confirmed Hamill "stands by his story and has notes from the interview he conducted with Mr. Few people are surprised by the eye-popping headlines in The Mirror. "[We need to] spread a little bit more truth about the type of universe we live in and the fact that we're not alone. In the following video, Mitchell talks about why he thinks UFO information has been kept under wraps: In 2013, Mitchell told HuffPost he hopes the truth embargo that surrounds the UFO-ET issue will end. Mitchell's reference to this secret group does not in any way give validation to the so-called Majestic-12 documents, but it does give us proof that a group to protect UFO information did exist, and with ongoing UFO events of importance, it is only reasonable to assume that the group continues today. They labeled it "above top-secret," and that created the long-running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government and the American public. As a matter of fact, they've been visiting our planet for thousands of years. The email saying the Vatican has knowledge of aliens was allegedly sent by the sixth man on the moon Edgar Mitchell, pictured Credit: Getty Images. Shepard and Mitchell were assigned to traverse the lunar surface to deploy scientific instruments and perform a communications test on the surface, as well as photograph the lunar surface and any deep space phenomena. Navy Astronaut and 6th Man on the Moon Believed in Alien Intervention | Military.com The Mirror quotes Mitchell saying the following: "White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons, and that's what the extraterrestrials were interested in. Mitchell.". During the conference, he said that he personally knew witnesses from intelligence agencies and the military who convinced him the U.S. government had been covering up UFOs for 50 years: Mitchell clarified that NASA was not involved in th… There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell's statements will have long-reaching consequence in the UFO community, and may spur mainstream media to take a more serious look at reports of UFOs. Mitchell did not say that NASA tracks UFOs. For Apollo 14 veteran Edgar Mitchell that plot line is less fiction than it is reality. He believes there is a secret group, a spinoff from the US Government, with access to captured technology. "In the van I had a chance to discuss various theories with Edgar Mitchell. "I don't know where The Mirror got the story," Mitchell, 84, said in an email to The Huffington Post, accusing the paper of fabricating his quotes and denying that an interview for this story ever took place. Mitchell's interests included consciousness and paranormal phenomena. Edgar Mitchell had never seen a UFO in his life, however, he strongly believed in the fact that most of … A Radio Motherboard chat with the late astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon and a connoisseur of consciousness, psychics, and aliens. Prior to his recent passing, Mitchel spent years creating awareness about the fact that UFOs are very real, and that some of them are not from our own planet, but from other solar systems, and perhaps other dimensions. Two days after his Kerrang interview, he again appeared on radio, this time BlogTalkRadio's ShapeShifting. On his way back to Earth during the Apollo 14 flight he had a powerful savikalpa samādhi experience, and also claimed to have conducted private ESP experiments with his friends on Earth. The "common knowledge" factor doesn't refer to what the public was told of these incidents. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe," a spokesman stated. He was the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14 and the sixth person to walk on the moon. By using LiveAbout, you accept our, Mitchell Reveals Belief that UFOs are Alien Visitors, 15 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Some People Actually Believe, The Most Mysterious UFO Cases of All Time, Wright-Patterson AFB and Alien Technology, Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. It was Mitchells only spaceflight. Dr. Edgar Mitchell (who passed away in 2016) was a NASA astronaut who traveled to (and walked on) the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission in 1971. Naval Postgraduate School and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences, or FREE, is a 501c3 Academic Research Not for Profit Foundation. Mitchell's statement is something concrete. Listen to interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell about alien contact. He was the sixth man to walk on the moon, spending nine hours on the lunar surface on February 9, 1971. During the two lunar EVAs (Extravehicular Activity), Mitchell along with his Commander Alan Shepard spent about 33 hours on the Moon. A … Edgar Dean Mitchell was born Sept. 17, 1930, in Hereford, Texas, and grew up working on his father's cattle ranch in New Mexico. "UFOs came in peace" to "save America from nuclear war,". Mitchell was the pilot of the lunar module of Apollo 14. This was rather common knowledge coming from various military officers from years back.". Paul Hellyer was Canada’s minister of defense during the 1960s. Edgar Mitchell was the Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 14 Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed. "Also, that some of our military missiles were shot down by UFOs during some missile tests from a military station on the California coast. In the story, the Apollo 14 veteran allegedly told the tab that "military insiders" had seen the "strange crafts" on July 16 over missile bases and the White Sands facility in Las Cruces, N.M., where the first nuclear bomb was tested 70 years ago. A series of interviews with the astronaut in 2008 shocked the world and validated those who believed in alien visitations. Mitchell does believe ETs have an interest in humanity's destructive capabilities. During his years in the Navy, he gained a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Dr. Mitchell, one of only 12 people to set foot on the moon, was not a typical strait-laced astronaut. On Britain's Kerrang radio show on July 23, 2008, Mitchell told the world that he believed the stories of witnesses saying that a UFO from another world crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947. Edgar Mitchell More than two decades on, Mitchell publicly expressed his opinions that he was 90 percent certain that UFO recordings from the 1940s proved alien life. He was no kook. He died in February 2016 at age 85, 45 years after his lunar landing. In recent years, Mitchell has gone on record suggesting that, despite the fact he has never seen a UFO or extraterrestrial, his many conversations with people in the military and intelligence community have convinced him that extraterrestrials have visited Earth and the truth about that has been covered up. It is believed by some UFO researchers that this group was the Majestic-12, which is often referred to as MAJ-12. Still, Mitchell insists the Aug. 11 Mirror story has no basis in the truth and disavows the information in it. Mitchell joined Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, Jr., the first American in space, in the lunar module Antares, which touched down Feb. 5, 1971, in the Fra Mauro highlands. After his retirement, he became the first cabinet-level politician from a G8 country to go on record claiming that aliens are already on Earth. ", When HuffPost asked Mitchell if he had told The Mirror that peace-loving aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war, that aliens were interested in our atomic weapons testing areas, and that ETs attempted to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth, he said, simply, "None of those statements were originated by me.". Mitchell died at the age of 85 we really do n't know the of. – Apollo 14 moon mission ETs have an interest in humanity 's destructive capabilities in February 2016 age! Group was the pilot of Apollo 14 and the sixth man to walk on the moon on hands., the 6th man to walk on the moon disclosure, and instructed astronauts before becoming.... Become a founding member and help shape huffpost 's next chapter Roswell, New Mexico by aliens... 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