Denn es ist möglich, negative Werte einzusetzen, wodurch ein ungewöhnlicher Effekt erzielt wird, denn die erste Zeile wird nicht eingerückt, sonder ausgerückt. Working on my website recently and created a multi-level unordered list. Textausrichtung. Alle folgenden Zeilen haben wieder den von ul oder ol vorgegebenen hängenden Einzug. Remember that, at this point, the list item has no padding or borders. The following examples illustrate CSS list-style property − The following example styles ordered list − Live Demo

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  4. … In order to understand why this is the case, and more importantly how to avoid the problem altogether, it's necessary to examine the details of list construction. Ein Absatz (Paragraph) besteht meist aus mehreren Sätzen mit engem inhaltlichen Zusammenhang und der Einzug stellt einen neuen Gedanken zum Thema oder eine kleine Themenänderung heraus. CSS Drive- Markerless and "no indent" Lists Top Removing the default marker that appear to the left of lists is useful when you wish to use lists purely for semantic reasons or to fully customize visually. Inherited: Set both to 1.25em, if you like -- there's no reason why you have to stick with pixel-based indentation. By supplying a negative text-indent you can tell the first line to shift a desired amount to the left. Liste der CSS-Eigenschaften. Author(s): Eric A. Meyer, Netscape Communications. Why not sign up to our newsletter for the latest tutorials and web related gossip. In the end, we can see that none of the browsers mentioned in this article is right or wrong about how they lay out lists. Boil it all down, and what we're left with is this: if you want consistent rendering of lists between Gecko, Internet Explorer, and Opera, you need to set both the left margin and left padding of the